Contact Me

If you want to contact me about table tennis
you'll find all the details right here...


Hi. My name's Martin and I live on England's south coast.

I've been playing, organising and writing about table tennis since 1971.

So if you've got a question about table tennis, there's a good chance I'll be able to answer it. (NOTE: Please check the answers to the most frequently asked questions here).

I'd also love to hear what you think about this web site ... whether there's anything you'd like to see more of ... or anything you'd like to see added.

Unfortunately there's so much spam in the email system that I can't put my email address here, so please use the form below.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Martin's signature



PS. PLEASE make sure you include your correct email address, as I cannot send you a reply unless you give me your correct email address.

Contact me

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How this site is financed (AATT) is completely free to use.

However, it's run by one person only (Martin Hughes) and has high running costs that need to be paid for.

This web site receives thousands of visitors every day and therefore, to keep it completely free to use, advertising and affiliate links appear on this web site.

However, these adverts and affiliate links do not influence the advice and recommendations given on this web site.

My intention has always been to give you the best possible information, advice and recommendations, based on my 50+ years involvement in the sport.


Adverts appear automatically on my site, provided by third parties, and are not directly controlled by me.

When you click on an advert, it's tracked to AATT and will generate a small payment to me.

Affiliate links*

Affiliate links are links to other web sites who sell related table tennis products.

These work in the same way as normal links, but when you click on it, the link is tracked to AATT and, if you make a purchase, may generate a small payment to me.

They do not cost you anything to use, and any products you choose to buy will not cost you any more than if you went directly to that web site.

These are principally links to Megaspin, Amazon and Bribar, but may include others from time to time.

These links are identified by having an asterisk (*) by its side.

AATT cannot identify any user who clicks on an advert or affiliate link.