Choosing Your Table Tennis Equipment

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Don't make an expensive mistake...
Let me be your guide and discover how to choose the right equipment for YOU

 By Martin Hughes
 Owner and Editor

How to choose the right table tennis equipment for YOU

Whenever you need to buy table tennis equipment you'll find that you're faced with a bewildering array of choices, so it can be very difficult to determine which equipment is right for YOU.

So before you buy anything, it helps to know which characteristics you should look for, and/or which questions you need to ask.

Because even though you can buy a wide variety of good quality table tennis equipment from a wide range of suppliers, it may not be suitable for YOU.


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So what can you do if you don't know what to look for?

Well, table tennis has been my passion since 1971 and during that time I've built up a wealth of knowledge which I'd like to share with you.

So whatever equipment you're looking for, let me guide you through the multitude of choices you'll encounter. After all ... you don't want to make an expensive mistake!

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Do you need to buy expensive equipment?

The type of table tennis equipment you'll need to buy depends upon your standard of play. Basically, the higher your standard of play, the better the equipment you'll need to buy.

But if you're a beginner, you can start playing table tennis using very simple and inexpensive equipment.

I started playing table tennis using very cheap rackets and balls from our local sports store and played on a home-made table that was about two thirds the size of a regular table in my dad's garage.

And when it was too cold to play in the garage, my sister and I used to convert the dining table in our parents' kitchen into a table tennis table - with hardback books lined up across the middle of the table for our net.

But the more I played, the more I improved, so I started using better quality equipment.

Many general sports stores sell a selection of basic and inexpensive table tennis equipment - but if you're serious about this great sport of ours, you'll need to seek out better equipment from the specialist suppliers.

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Minimum Requirements

To start playing table tennis, the minimum you'll need is a racket, a supply of table tennis balls and a table tennis table.

But as your standard of play improves beyond a beginner's level, there's a vast array of other equipment you'll want to buy.

First you'll need some suitable table tennis clothing - a table tennis shirt, shorts or skirt - together with table tennis shoes.

And if you're setting up a club you'll also need other accessories such as barriers, scoring machines and possibly a robot (ball launcher) and a good quality floor covering.


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Table Tennis Racket

How to choose the right Table tennis racket

Your choice of table tennis racket is one of the most important decisions you'll make.

You see, how you develop as a player will be determined by your choice of racket, so it's important that you choose one that will complement your style of play.

Table tennis rackets CAN BE very expensive, but you don't necessarily need to spend a lot of money to get the right one for you.

So check-out the following pages which reveal my top tips on how to choose your ideal racket...

  1. The basics - what you need to know about rackets
  2. Choosing the right table tennis blade
  3. Choosing the right table tennis rubbers
  4. What you need to know about table tennis glue
  5. How to maintain your racket and choosing a racket case

And you may also be interested in... How the table tennis racket has changed over the years.

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Table Tennis Tables

How to choose the right Table Tennis Table

If you're considering buying a table tennis table - whether it's a top quality table or just a cheap table at a discount store - there are a number of items you'll need to consider.

So the following pages reveal my top tips on how to choose your ideal table tennis table...

  1. The basics - what you need to know about table tennis tables
  2. Do you need an indoor or outdoor table?
  3. Types of indoor tables available - conversion tops, mini, novelty and full-sized tables
  4. What you need to know about the undercarriage
  5. What you need to know about the top surface and protecting your table
  6. Table manufacturers and a list of ITTF authorised tables

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Table Tennis Net and Post Set

How to choose the right Table Tennis Net

Some table tennis tables have nets included, but others don't. Also, nets can become worn or broken and will need to be replaced.

Check out my top tips on how to choose your ideal table tennis net and post set here.

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Table Tennis Balls

How to choose the right Table Tennis Balls

Table tennis balls are available in many different varieties so it's important that you know what to look for before choosing which ones you should buy.

Here are my top tips on how to choose your ideal table tennis balls

together with...

More information including the list of ITTF Approved 40mm table tennis balls

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Table Tennis Shoes

How to choose the right Table Tennis Shoes

A good pair of table tennis shoes are essential equipment.

Here are my top tips on how to choose your ideal table tennis shoes

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Table Tennis Clothing

How to choose the right Table Tennis Clothing

You'll want to look smart, so some good table tennis clothing is essential.

Check back soon for my top tips on how to choose your ideal table tennis clothing.

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Table Tennis Robot

How to choose the right Table Tennis Robot

Table tennis robots are very popular with some players and coaches.

But what is a table tennis robot and what can they do?.

Check out my guide on table tennis robots for all the answers.

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Table Tennis Brands

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For more information, tips and recommendations about table tennis equipment, take a look at my other articles...

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