You Are Here: Home » Major Table Tennis Tournaments » 2016 European Championships - Women's Singles
The 2016 European Championships were held in Budapest, Hungary from 18-23 October. Get all the details and results for the Women's Singles here...
By Martin Hughes
Owner and Editor
Hungary hosted the 2016 European Table Tennis Championships and there were six events - women's singles, women's doubles, men's singles, men's doubles and mixed doubles.
More information about each event, together with the results, can be found by following the links below.
But the European Championships were first held in 1958 in Hungary and you can read all about the history of the championships, and get previous results, here.
Initially the Championships were a biennial event, taking place in even numbered years, but now it's held every year during September/October.
For more information about each event, click on these links...
Men's Singles | Women's Singles | |
Men's Doubles | Women's Doubles | |
Mixed Doubles |
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So where was it held?
The 2016 European Championships were played at Tuskecsarnok, Magyar tudosokkorutja 7, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary.
The equipment used was...
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So let's take a look at the...
In singles events each Association were entitled to enter a number of players according to the results of the previous year's European Championships team events as follows:
In case of vacant places, one place will be allocated firstly to the 14 Associations with 3 players according to the ranking positions of the Associations, secondly if there are remaining places one place will be allocated to Associations with 2 players according to the ranking positions of the Associations.
So let's now take a look at the...
There were a maximum of 64 places in the first round proper.
32 seeded players were directly placed in the first round proper. All remaining players were placed in a qualification stage, played in groups of not less than 4 players.
The main event was played as a knock-out competition.
All matches were the best of 7 games.
Seeding were done on the basis of the last World Ranking List published before the championships.
The draw took place on Sunday 16 October 2016.
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Who was the...
The previous Women's Singles were held in 2015 in Ekaterinburg, Russia and the women's singles winner was Elizabeta Samara representing Romania. The runner-up was Li Jie representing Netherlands.
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So let's take a look at the...
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
301 | Albania | XHUPI | Alba | - |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
302 | Austria | LI | Qiangbing | 109 |
303 | Austria | LIU | Jia | 21 |
305 | Austria | POLCANOVA | Sofia | 63 |
306 | Austria | SOLJA | Amelie | 102 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
307 | Azerbaijan | DENG | Simeng | 338 |
308 | Azerbaijan | IMANOVA | Maryam | - |
309 | Azerbaijan | ZHOU | Chuyi | 428 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
310 | Belgium | DEGRAEF | Margo | 400 |
311 | Belgium | LOYEN | Eline | 244 |
312 | Belgium | MARCHETTI | Nathalie | 344 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
313 | Belarus | ARLOUSKAYA | Alina | 190 |
314 | Belarus | NIKITCHANKA | Alina | 261 |
315 | Belarus | PAVLOVICH | Viktoria | 51 |
316 | Belarus | TRIGOLOS | Daria | 208 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
317 | Bulgaria | KAROVA | Anelia | 318 |
318 | Bulgaria | YOVKOVA | Krasimira | 410 |
319 | Bulgaria | YOVKOVA | Maria | 420 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
320 | Croatia | JEGER | Mateja | 222 |
321 | Croatia | PAVLOVIC | Andrea | 392 |
322 | Croatia | SREBRNJAK | Dorina | 292 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
323 | Czech Republic | CECHOVA | Dana | 130 |
324 | Czech Republic | MATELOVA | Hana | 95 |
325 | Czech Republic | STRBIKOVA | Renata | 92 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
326 | Denmark | CHRISTENSEN | Stefanie | 374 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
327 | England | HO | Tin-Tin | 214 |
328 | England | SIBLEY | Kelly | - |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
329 | Spain | DVORAK | Galia | 104 |
330 | Spain | RAMIREZ | Sara | 132 |
331 | Spain | XIAO | Maria | - |
332 | Spain | ZHANG | Xuan | 211 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
333 | Estonia | AVAMERI | Airi | 367 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
334 | Finland | KIRICHENKO | Anna | 433 |
335 | Finland | LUNDSTROM | Annika | 515 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
336 | France | GUISNEL | Oceane | 266 |
337 | France | LOEUILLETTE | Stephanie | 201 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
338 | Germany | HAN | Ying | 7 |
339 | Germany | SHAN | Xiaona | 20 |
340 | Germany | SILBEREISEN | Kristin | 65 |
341 | Germany | SOLJA | Petrissa | 16 |
342 | Germany | WINTER | Sabine | 56 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
343 | Greece | CHRISTOFORAKI | Maria | - |
344 | Greece | TOLIOU | Aikaterini | - |
345 | Greece | ZAVITSANOU | Georgia | 439 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
346 | Hungary | LOVAS | Petra | 91 |
347 | Hungary | MADARASZ | Dora | 113 |
348 | Hungary | NAGYVARADI | Mercedes | 247 |
349 | Hungary | PERGEL | Szandra | 106 |
350 | Hungary | POTA | Georgina | 34 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
351 | Iceland | TROSMAN | Nicole | 257 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
352 | Italy | COLANTONI | Chiara | 337 |
353 | Italy | PICCOLIN | Giorgia | 315 |
354 | Italy | VIVARELLI | Debora | 270 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
355 | Kosovo | HALITI | Ilirjana | - |
356 | Kosovo | MALOKU | Vlona | - |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
357 | Latvia | RUSINOVA | Diana | - |
358 | Latvia | ZDANOVSKA | Inta | - |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
359 | Lithuania | PASKAUSKIENE | Ruta | 111 |
360 | Lithuania | STUCKYTE | Egle | 250 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
361 | Luxembourg | DE NUTTE | Sarah | 125 |
362 | Luxembourg | NI | Xia Lian | 66 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
363 | Moldova | BRINZA | Natalia | 368 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
364 | Montenegro | PETRIC | Ivona | 546 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
365 | Netherlands | EERLAND | Britt | 105 |
366 | Netherlands | LI | Jie | 26 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
367 | Norway | AASEBO | Anna | 481 |
368 | Norway | DOVAL | Ilka | 387 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
369 | Poland | BAJOR | Natalia | 164 |
370 | Poland | GRZYBOWSKA-FRANC | Katarzyna | 68 |
371 | Poland | KUSINSKA | Klaudia | - |
372 | Poland | PARTYKA | Natalia | 83 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
373 | Portugal | FINS | Rita | - |
374 | Portugal | OLIVEIRA | Leila | 343 |
375 | Portugal | SHAO | Jieni | 62 |
376 | Portugal | YU | Fu | 37 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
377 | Romania | CIOBANU | Irina | 128 |
378 | Romania | IACOB | Camelia | 107 |
379 | Romania | MONTEIRO-DODEAN | Daniela | 50 |
380 | Romania | SAMARA | Elizabeta | 32 |
381 | Romania | SZOCS | Bernadette | 78 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
382 | Russia | DOLGIKH | Maria | 82 |
383 | Russia | MALANINA | Maria | 192 |
384 | Russia | MIKHAILOVA | Polina | 48 |
385 | Russia | NOSKOVA | Yana | 81 |
386 | Russia | PROKHOROVA | Yulia | 96 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
387 | Slovenia | FAJMUT | Manca | 230 |
388 | Slovenia | GALIC | Alex | 148 |
389 | Slovenia | PAVCNIK | Tamara | 370 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
390 | San Marino | GIARDI | Letizia | 576 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
391 | Serbia | LUPULESKU | Izabela | 212 |
392 | Serbia | MAKSUTI | Aneta | 245 |
393 | Serbia | TODOROVIC | Andrea | 149 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
394 | Switzerland | ASCHWANDEN | Rahel | 239 |
395 | Switzerland | MORET | Rachel | 121 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
396 | Slovak Republic | BALAZOVA | Barbora | 74 |
397 | Slovak Republic | JURKOVA | Eva | - |
398 | Slovak Republic | ODOROVA | Eva | 99 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
399 | Sweden | BERGSTROM | Linda | 173 |
400 | Sweden | EKHOLM | Matilda | 45 |
401 | Sweden | JONSSON | Jennifer | 319 |
402 | Sweden | LI | Fen | 44 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
403 | Turkey | HU | Melek | 27 |
404 | Turkey | KARAHAN | Ipek | - |
405 | Turkey | OZKAYA | Gul Pembe | 467 |
406 | Turkey | TAN | Kubra | - |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
407 | Ukraine | ALEKSYEYENKO | Nataliya | - |
408 | Ukraine | BILENKO | Tetyana | 52 |
409 | Ukraine | BRATEYKO | Solomiya | 418 |
410 | Ukraine | GAPONOVA | Ganna | - |
411 | Ukraine | VASYLIEVA | Ievgeniia | 232 |
Shirt Number |
Association | Family Name | Given Name | World Ranking |
412 | Wales | CAREY | Charlotte | 294 |
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Here are the...
Seed | Family Name, Given Name | Association | World Ranking |
1 | HAN, Ying | Germany | 7 |
2 | SOLJA, Petrissa | Germany | 16 |
3 | SHAN, Xiaona | Germany | 20 |
4 | LIU, Jia | Austria | 21 |
5 | LI, Jie | Netherlands | 26 |
6 | HU, Melek | Turkey | 27 |
7 | SAMARA, Elizabeta | Romania | 32 |
8 | POTA, Georgina | Hungary | 34 |
9 | YU, Fu | Portugal | 37 |
10 | LI, Fen | Sweden | 44 |
11 | EKHOLM, Matilda | Sweden | 45 |
12 | MIKHAILOVA, Polina | Russia | 48 |
13 | MONTEIRO-DODEAN, Daniela | Romania | 50 |
14 | PAVLOVICH, Viktoria | Belarus | 51 |
15 | BILENKO, Tetyana | Ukraine | 52 |
16 | WINTER, Sabine | Germany | 56 |
17 | SHAO, Jieni | Portugal | 62 |
18 | POLCANOVA, Sofia | Austria | 63 |
19 | SILBEREISEN, Kristin | Germany | 65 |
20 | NI, Xia Lian | Luxembourg | 66 |
21 | GRZYBOWSKA-FRANC, Katarzyna | Poland | 68 |
22 | BALAZOVA, Barbora | Slovak Republic | 74 |
23 | SZOCS, Bernadette | Romania | 78 |
24 | NOSKOVA, Yana | Russia | 81 |
25 | DOLGIKH, Maria | Russia | 82 |
26 | PARTYKA, Natalia | Poland | 83 |
27 | LOVAS, Petra | Hungary | 91 |
28 | STRBIKOVA, Renata | Czech Republic | 92 |
29 | MATELOVA, Hana | Czech Republic | 95 |
30 | PROKHOROVA, Yulia | Russia | 96 |
31 | ODOROVA, Eva | Slovak Republic | 99 |
32 | SOLJA, Amelie | Austria | 102 |
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Here are the results for the 2016 women's singles matches...
Round One
Thursday 20 October 2016
(Seeding) Name (Association) | Result | (Seeding) Name (Association) |
1 HAN Ying (Germany) | 4-0 | ZHANG Xuan (Spain) |
17 SHAO Jieni (Portugal) | 4-3 | Alex GALIC (Slovenia) |
27 Petra LOVAS (Hungary) | 4-0 | Ganna GAPONOVA (Ukraine) |
13 Daniela MONTEIRO-DODEAN(Romania) | 4-0 | Linda BERGSTROM (Sweden) |
12 Polina MIKHAILOVA (Russia) | 4-0 | Mercedes NAGYVARADI (Hungary) |
18 Sofia POLCANOVA (Austria) | 4-0 | Sarah DE NUTTE (Luxembourg) |
Sara RAMIREZ (Spain) | 4-3 | 28 Renata STRBIKOVA (Czech Republic) |
6 HU Melek (Turkey) | 4-0 | Alina ARLOUSKAYA (Belarus) |
5 LI Jie (Netherlands) | 4-0 | Manca FAJMUT (Slovenia) |
Szandra PERGEL (Hungary) | 4-1 | 26 Natalia PARTYKA (Poland) |
XIAO Maria (Spain) | 4-2 | 23 Bernadette SZOCS (Romania) |
14 Viktoria PAVLOVICH (Belarus) | 4-2 | Natalia BAJOR (Poland) |
11 Matilda EKHOLM (Sweden) | 4-0 | Leila OLIVEIRA (Portugal) |
31 Eva ODOROVA (Slovak Republic) | 4-2 | Ruta PASKAUSKIENE (Lithuania) |
30 Yulia PROKHOROVA (Russia) | 4-3 | LI Qiangbing (Austria) |
3 SHAN Xiaona (Germany) | 4-3 | Stephanie OEUILLETTE (France) |
4 LIU Jia (Austria) | 4-1 | Daria TRIGOLOS (Belarus) |
19 Kristin SILBEREISEN (Germany) | 4-0 | Dana CECHOVA (Czech Republic) |
20 NI Xia Lian (Luxembourg) | 4-2 | Dora MADARASZ (Hungary) |
Klaudia KUSINSKA (Poland) | 4-1 | 15 Tetyana BILENKO (Ukraine) |
16 Sabine WINTER (Germany) | 4-2 | Andrea PAVLOVIC (Croatia) |
24 Yana NOSKOVA (Russia) | 4-1 | Britt EERLAND (Netherlands) |
Galia DVORAK (Spain) | 4-0 | 21 Katarzyna GRZYBOWSKA-FRANC (Poland) |
7 Elizabeta SAMARA (Romania) | 4-3 | Aneta MAKSUTI (Serbia) |
8 Georgina POTA (Hungary) | 4-3 | Tin-Tin HO (England) |
Irina CIOBANU (Romania) | 4-2 | 32 Amelie SOLJA (Austria) |
29 Hana MATELOVA (Czech Republic) | 4-1 | Rachel MORET (Switzerland) |
9 YU Fu (Portugal) | 4-0 | Maria MALANINA (Russia) |
10 LI Fen (Sweden) | 4-0 | Mateja JEGER (Croatia) |
25 Maria DOLGIKH (Russia) | 4-2 | Camelia IACOB (Romania) |
22 Barbora BALAZOVA (Slovak Republic) | 4-3 | Andrea TODOROVIC (Serbia) |
2 Petrissa SOLJA (Germany) | 4-1 | Oceane GUISNEL (France) |
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Round Two
Friday 21 October 2016
(Seeding) Name (Association) | Result | (Seeding) Name (Association) |
1 HAN Ying (Germany) | 4-1 | 17 SHAO Jieni (Portugal) |
13 Daniela MONTEIRO-DODEAN(Romania) | 4-2 | 27 Petra LOVAS (Hungary) |
12 Polina MIKHAILOVA (Russia) | 4-2 | 18 Sofia POLCANOVA (Austria) |
6 HU Melek (Turkey) | 4-0 | Sara RAMIREZ (Spain) |
5 LI Jie (Netherlands) | 4-1 | Szandra PERGEL (Hungary) |
14 Viktoria PAVLOVICH (Belarus) | 4-0 | XIAO Maria (Spain) |
11 Matilda EKHOLM (Sweden) | 4-1 | 31 Eva ODOROVA (Slovak Republic) |
3 SHAN Xiaona (Germany) | 4-0 | 30 Yulia PROKHOROVA (Russia) |
19 Kristin SILBEREISEN (Germany) | 4-1 | 4 LIU Jia (Austria) |
20 NI Xia Lian (Luxembourg) | 4-3 | Klaudia KUSINSKA (Poland) |
16 Sabine WINTER (Germany) | 4-1 | 24 Yana NOSKOVA (Russia) |
7 Elizabeta SAMARA (Romania) | 4-1 | Galia DVORAK (Spain) |
8 Georgina POTA (Hungary) | 4-0 | Irina CIOBANU (Romania) |
9 YU Fu (Portugal) | 4-3 | 29 Hana MATELOVA (Czech Republic) |
25 Maria DOLGIKH (Russia) | 4-3 | 10 LI Fen (Sweden) |
2 Petrissa SOLJA (Germany) | 4-0 | 22 Barbora BALAZOVA (Slovak Republic) |
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Round Three
Saturday 22 October 2016
(Seeding) Name (Association) | Result | (Seeding) Name (Association) |
1 HAN Ying (Germany) | 4-1 | 13 Daniela MONTEIRO-DODEAN(Romania) |
6 HU Melek (Turkey) | 4-2 | 12 Polina MIKHAILOVA (Russia) |
5 LI Jie (Netherlands) | 4-0 | 14 Viktoria PAVLOVICH (Belarus) |
11 Matilda EKHOLM (Sweden) | 4-2 | 3 SHAN Xiaona (Germany) |
19 Kristin SILBEREISEN (Germany) | 4-3 | 20 NI Xia Lian (Luxembourg) |
7 Elizabeta SAMARA (Romania) | 4-1 | 16 Sabine WINTER (Germany) |
9 YU Fu (Portugal) | 4-3 | 8 Georgina POTA (Hungary) |
2 Petrissa SOLJA (Germany) | 4-0 | 25 Maria DOLGIKH (Russia) |
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Quarter Finals
Saturday 22 October 2016
(Seeding) Name (Association) | Result | (Seeding) Name (Association) |
6 HU Melek (Turkey) 11-7, 9-11, 11-9, 11-8, 8-11, 11-9 |
4-2 | 1 HAN Ying (Germany) |
5 LI Jie (Netherlands) 16-14, 14-16, 9-11, 4-11, 13-11, 11-7, 11-6 |
4-3 | 11 Matilda EKHOLM (Sweden) |
7 Elizabeta SAMARA (Romania) 5-11, 11-13, 11-9, 11-7, 15-13, 13-11 |
4-2 | 19 Kristin SILBEREISEN (Germany) |
9 YU Fu (Portugal) 11-8, 11-9, 11-7, 9-11, 8-11, 9-11, 11-5 |
4-3 | 2 Petrissa SOLJA (Germany) |
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Sunday 23 October 2016
(Seeding) Name (Association) | Result | (Seeding) Name (Association) |
6 HU Melek (Turkey) | 4-0 | 5 LI Jie (Netherlands) |
11-5, 11-3, 11-3, 11-6 | ||
9 YU Fu (Portugal) | 4-3 | 7 Elizabeta SAMARA (Romania) |
11-8, 10-12, 11-5, 11-13, 12-14, 11-8, 11-8 |
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Sunday 23 October 2016
(Seeding) Name (Association) | Result | (Seeding) Name (Association) |
6 HU Melek (Turkey) | 4-1 | 9 YU Fu (Portugal) |
11-3, 11-2, 11-4, 10-12, 11-7 |
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Hu Melek (Turkey)
Yu Fu (Portugal)
Elizabeta Samara (Romania) and Li Jie (Netherlands)
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