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How do you find potential sponsors and secure sponsorship deals for your table tennis club? Find out here...
By Martin Hughes
Owner and Editor
So you're looking to get sponsors for your table tennis club.
What are the essential things you need to know?
How can you increase your chances of getting sponsors for your club?
How do you find potential sponsors and secure sponsorship deals?
Let's find out...
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But before we go any further it's vitally important that you never forget...
When you approach a potential sponsor it's vitally important that you always remember this...
A sponsorship deal has to benefit both parties.
So if you're ever going to secure a sponsor for your club, you must be able to offer them something of value.
It's not just about what YOU can get from the sponsorship deal - It's a two-way transaction.
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Well, sponsorship is a business deal between two parties where both parties benefit from the arrangement.
Businesses usually provide funds, resources or services to your club in return for some form of rights and/or association with your club.
These funds, resources or services will be used to benefit their business AND your club.
Remember, sponsorship is different to a donation.
Businesses (or individuals) may not expect any commercial benefit in return for a donation, but they definitely will for sponsorship.
by courtesy of the ITTF
So a sponsor (who is usually a commercial business, rather than an individual person) will only be interested in discussing a deal with you if you can offer them value for money.
And as they often treat sponsorship deals as a form of advertising for their business, they usually want you to demonstrate how you can bring their name and products or services to the public's attention.
They may also want their business to be associated with your club or event you're organising in order to enhance their corporate image, both to the general public and to their employees.
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So you need to consider...
Before you approach any potential sponsors you need to be clear about what your club can offer them.
Remember, businesses are mostly interested in HOW YOU CAN HELP THEM, not how they can help your club.
So make sure that you know what the benefits to their business are.
The most important issue for most businesses is that they want to increase sales of their products and services, so you need to consider how you can help them achieve that.
So how will you promote their brand? Perhaps via extensive publicity of their brand name?
You could provide publicity for them by...
Alternatively, they may have other priorities that you could help them achieve. You just have to find out what they are, and then target your proposal accordingly.
But whatever you offer, always remember to explain how it will benefit their business. Remember, they're looking for value for money. They're not interested in just giving you something for nothing in return.
You'll also need to ensure that you only target businesses who are a good match with your club. These may be local or national businesses. Just make sure that you can demonstrate a good synergy between their business and what your club can offer them.
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But you also need to know...
Although it's of paramount importance that your sponsorship proposal gives value to the sponsor, you also need to be clear on what you're asking for in return.
In many instances it is money, but it could equally be goods or services.
However, you must state exactly what you want, and for what purpose you will use it.
For example, you could be asking for money to run more coaching sessions at your club, or you could be asking a table tennis equipment supplier to provide table tennis equipment so that you can expand the club. Or you could be asking a food supplier to provide catering services at an event you are holding.
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There are many options available when seeking sponsorship for your club, but your first task should be to determine...
For example, a suitable sponsor may be a sports equipment supplier whilst a tobacco company would NOT be a suitable sponsor.
So let's take a look at who you could approach for sponsorship...
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But you can improve your chances of success by knowing...
When you're submitting a sponsorship proposal to a business, it's important to remember these important points.
Businesses often receive many requests for help and may not give your proposal more than a cursory glance (if at all), so you can increase your chances of success if you...
In the next part, we'll take a look at how to submit your proposal for a sponsorship deal.
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For more information about table tennis clubs, take a look at these pages too...
Running a table tennis club
Finding a table tennis clubHow to find a table tennis club in... |
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