You Are Here: Home » My Secret Weapon
Discover my secret weapon ... and see how you can use it too!
By Martin Hughes
Owner and Editor
Hi, my name's Martin.
I hope you're enjoying my table tennis web site because I'm so passionate about this great sport of ours that I want everyone else to enjoy it too.
And that's the reason why I started this table tennis web site - to promote this great sport all around the world.
But in order to promote this great sport all around the world, I need people to find my web site when they use
to search for information about table tennis...wherever they are in the world.
After all, unless people find my web site, there's no point in having it.
So how do I do that?
Well, I need my "Secret Weapon".
And now, using my Secret Weapon, over 3,000 people a day (and rising) are finding and reading my web site.
Think about it for a moment...
How did you find my web site?
Around 85% of my visitors find my web site by doing a search on
So what's my "Secret Weapon"?
Well, it's a simple system that anyone can use.
And if you've got a hobby or an interest in something that you want to share with the rest of the world, you can use it too.
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Let me explain...
My Secret Weapon is a simple system that anyone can use.
It enables me to earn a living from my web site, so that I don't have to have a regular JOB.
Yes, THIS is now my JOB and I work from home.
So, if you'll give me a couple of minutes, I'll show you how you can share your hobby or interest with the world AND turn it into a long-term income generator for yourself too.
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And the best thing is, it's simple to do.
First, let me start by saying that when most people initially hear about this, they think or say ...
... which is such a shame because it's completely the wrong mindset.
So, please take a few moments to read every word on this page, and then follow the links at the bottom of this page.
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Let me tell you...
First and foremost, this is about sharing your love of your favourite hobby or interest - it's not about "building a web site".
However, a web site is required, but only to enable you to distribute your knowledge to a worldwide audience.
But by by doing that, you can also automatically use it to generate a long-term income for yourself by following a step-by-step system.
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But you can also...
It's a simple process, and you don't need to have any prior experience of building web sites.
But if you really, really don't want to do that bit, you can easily get someone else to do it for you.
In fact, as long as you've got sufficient knowledge about your hobby or interest (or you're willing to research it), you can get other people to do everything else for you.
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And you can...
By the way, it's also worth pointing out that you only need to do this in your spare time.
But of course, as with anything in life, the more you put in, the more you'll get back out.
So if you only make one resolution this year, I urge you to make it this one ...
"This year I will begin to share
my hobby with the world"
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But maybe you're wondering...
Without speaking to you face-to-face, it's very difficult to convey to you what this is all about and how good it is.
It might even sound too good to be true, but I can assure you that it's the real deal.
I could go on and on for ages trying to explain it and convince you of its merits, but you really have to try it for yourself.
It's a "step-by-step system" that's been proven to work thousands of times for everyday people just like you & me.
But always remember ... this is about sharing your hobby and generating a long-term income for yourself - it's not about "building a web site".
Building a web site can be boring, and anyway, if you just "build a web site" you'll probably fail ... just like 99% of other people who only do that.
No, this is very different.
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So now you'll be thinking...
Well, although the process that you need to follow is critical, it's also very simple.
What you have to do is...
The outcome of following this simple process is that you will automatically be building your own home-based "business" which will generate a long-term income for yourself.
And remember, you don't have to do it all yourself if you don't want to.
But to do it successfully you need to follow the right system, otherwise you're unlikely to succeed.
With this system, all the tools you need are included.
All you have to do is follow the videos and/or the written action guide and you will succeed.
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Yes, it really is that simple. So...
Thousands of people have already shared their hobbies and interests with a worldwide audience (by creating their own structured web site), and you'll be amazed at some of the subject matters they've written about.
Here are just a few examples of hobbies and interests that other people use to generate a long-term income for themselves...
In fact, this system will work with any hobby or interest you can think of. But you will only be successful if you follow the system.
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I can honestly say...
I started in 2007 after putting it off for about 3 years, but like everyone else who eventually uses this system, I wish I'd started when I first found out about it.
I've now quit my job to concentrate on this table tennis web site full-time.
Please don't waste 3 years of your life before you try it.
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And so...
This is all about converting your knowledge of your hobby or interest into written articles that other people can read ... anywhere in the world.
By following this simple process, you automatically build your own home-based "business" which will generate a long-term income for yourself.
And even if you don't consider yourself to be an expert on your hobby or interest ... just remember this ... as long as you know more about the subject than someone else, then to that person, you are an expert.
As long as there are other people in the world who want to know about your hobby or interest, everything is possible.
And remember this ... you don't have to do everything yourself if you don't want to.
In many areas of life there are charlatans and fraudsters.
And this is becoming more and more prevalent on the internet.
Fake "reviews" are now such a big problem online that consumer protection groups and governments are starting to take action.
People with ulterior motives produce fake "reviews" of products and services in order to produce financial gains for themselves or denigrate their competitors.
So whilst doing your research into SBI! you may encounter fake "reviews" by people who are paid to trick you into believing that the product they recommend is superior.
Those "reviews" use all kinds of devious methods to try and trick you into believing that they're genuine, but they can never provide verifiable proof that their recommendation is superior.
They're misleading consumers solely for their own ends.
So I would urge you to beware of fake "reviews" whilst doing your own research.
I am also a member of the SBI! Affiliate Program.
This means that I may qualify for a financial benefit if you purchase an SBI! subscription after clicking on any of my links to SBI! which are on this page.
I heartily recommend SBI! because I believe they are the best in their field, but only YOU can decide if it's right for YOU.
I therefore urge you to do your own research to see whether you agree with me that they are the best in their field.
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So now's the time for you to...
Please take some time to read more about this system and the guarantee which goes with it.
or visit SiteSell's Facebook page
Best wishes,
PS. Remember - I truly believe that this system can help almost everyone, and I'd love you to try it for yourself.
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You Are Here: Home » My Secret Weapon
How this site is financed (AATT) is completely free to use.
However, it's run by one person only (Martin Hughes) and has high running costs that need to be paid for.
This web site receives thousands of visitors every day and therefore, to keep it completely free to use, advertising and affiliate links appear on this web site.
However, these adverts and affiliate links do not influence the advice and recommendations given on this web site.
My intention has always been to give you the best possible information, advice and recommendations, based on my 50+ years involvement in the sport.
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Affiliate links are links to other web sites who sell related table tennis products.
These work in the same way as normal links, but when you click on it, the link is tracked to AATT and, if you make a purchase, may generate a small payment to me.
They do not cost you anything to use, and any products you choose to buy will not cost you any more than if you went directly to that web site.
These are principally links to Megaspin, Amazon and Bribar, but may include others from time to time.
These links are identified by having an asterisk (*) by its side.
AATT cannot identify any user who clicks on an advert or affiliate link.