Space Coast Table Tennis Club

Submitted by Bill Mitcheson
(Merritt Island, Florida)

Space Coast Table Tennis Club

Space Coast Table Tennis Club

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Space Coast Table Tennis Club is located in Central Florida, United States.

Our address is: Veteran's Memorial Center, 400 Sykes Creek Blvd., Merritt Island, Florida.

To get to our club take Rt#520 East to the Merritt Island Mall. Right at the Outback Steak House and go to the very end of the road to the Veterans center.

We have a great group of people and would like to welcome anyone to come to Paradise and play table tennis with us in central Florida. We have people from all over the world visit us.

Most of us are living our vacations and table tennis is our way of keeping fit. The Veterans club allows us to play in a well lit air-conditioned facility on professional tables.

The cost is a mere $2.00 per night and we are open Monday night at 7:30pm and Wednesday night at 6:30pm.

We have four table tennis tables and the playing conditions are very good.

We have 12-16 players on average and there are many leagues and competitions in the area.

We are a very friendly club and welcome anyone to our table tennis club.

Space Coast Table Tennis Club was formed by Randy Hess 16 years ago, a well renowned player who retired from play three years ago.

If you need coaching, our players will work with a player at every level.

For more information contact:

Bill Mitcheson
US Cell Phone: 321 243 1048

Please visit us. We would be pleased and delighted to meet you.

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