You Are Here: Home » Choosing Table Tennis Equipment » Stiga Impact T8621b Table Tennis Table
Let's review the Stiga Impact T8621b table tennis table to see if it's suitable for your needs...
By Martin Hughes
Owner and Editor
The Stiga (pronounced Steega) Impact T8621b is an entry level table from an established brand.
So let's take a closer look at all aspects of this table so that you can decide whether the Impact T8621b is the right table for you.
You may also want to read my article explaining how to choose the right table tennis table for you. I recommend that you don't buy ANY table tennis table until you've read it.
Note: Very few tables have rackets (also known as paddles or bats) and balls supplied as standard, so you'll need to check with your supplier if you need them.
You can also see a list of all Stiga table tennis tables here.
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OK. Let's take a closer look at the...
You can buy this table here
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When you're erecting or storing this table, each half of the playing surface independently tilts into an upright position.
This feature, which is present on many tables, also enables the table to be used by one person by using the upright section of the table as an opponent.
When you watch the video at the bottom of this page, you'll see a demonstration of this near the end of the video.
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When you're not using the table, you may want to store it away.
This is how the table looks in its storage position with each half of the playing surface in an upright position.
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The corners of a table can be hazardous in certain situations, and this picture shows how the corner of this table is protected.
This is a useful safety feature.
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This table has a half inch steel apron underneath the edges of the playing surface.
This helps support the playing surface and reduce the opportunity for the playing surface to warp easily.
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When you need to move the table (usually in its storage position) there are wheels on the four center legs.
The wheels are 2 inch double wheel casters.
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In addition to the four centre legs which have caster wheels on them, the four corner legs are as shown here.
These legs are not adjustable so if you have an uneven floor, this table may not be suitable for that location.
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When you're erecting or storing this table, each half of the playing surface independently tilts into an upright position.
This is the locking device used to secure each half of the playing surface in the upright, storage/playback position.
When you watch the video at the bottom of this page, you'll see a demonstration of this.
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The ITTF rules state that the length of the net must be 6 feet, and the height must be 6 inches.
The net supplied with this table is 5 feet 6 inches long and 6 inches high.
Therefore, it does not meet the ITTF requirements for competitive play, but it's suitable for recreational play.
However, you could easily buy a new net of the correct length.
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This table requires home assembly.
Two people will be needed to assemble this table, although three people may be required for certain tasks.
You'll also need two 7/16 and one 3/8 wrenches (spanners) and a Phillips screwdriver.
The table top is in two halves, with each half measuring 4 feet 6 inches long by 5 feet wide.
The manufacturer's assembly instructions are included here.
It's a pdf document which is 9 pages long and you can download it now.
Please note:
You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader or Preview installed on your computer to view these instructions.
Most Windows computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed already - it's FREE, but if you're one of the few who haven't got it, click on this link and follow the instructions on the Adobe web site to download it.
(Mac users can use Preview which is already installed on all Macs)
Download your Stiga Impact T8621b table tennis table assembly instructions here
(pdf file - 693Kb)
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So let's summarise...
This table is primarily intended for light home use.
Ideally, you would assemble the table and leave it permanently erected.
This table is designed for indoor use and if used outdoors you take a risk that the playing surface may warp.
If you want an inexpensive table for home use, this would be a suitable choice.
You can buy this table here
You can also see a list of all Stiga table tennis tables here.
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Click here for a large selection of
For information about other Stiga table tennis tables, take a look at my other pages...
Which is the Best Stiga Table Tennis Table? Indoor Tables BasicBetter
Outdoor Tables All Outdoor
Other Table Tennis Equipment Table Tennis Rackets (paddles / bats)
Table Tennis Tables
Table Tennis Nets
Table Tennis Balls
Table Tennis Shoes
Table Tennis Robots
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You Are Here: Home » Choosing Table Tennis Equipment » Stiga Impact T8621b Table Tennis Table
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