Stiga Table Tennis Rackets

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Stiga table tennis rackets are world renowned and Stiga has been a world leader in the sport of table tennis for over 60 years

 By Martin Hughes
 Owner and Editor

Stiga table tennis paddles, or to give them their correct name, Stiga table tennis rackets, are made by Stiga Sports AB, a global company with partners in over 100 countries.

Stiga has been a world leader in the sport of table tennis for over 60 years, and for more than half a century Stiga blades have been world renowned.

Stiga continue to innovate in table tennis blade production by starting with the finest raw materials, maintaining the highest standard of quality, and by continuously investing in research and development of new blades and new manufacturing technologies.

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Stiga Table Tennis Paddles

Stiga table tennis paddles

Stiga table tennis paddles (Rackets, Bats) are currently avialable in three different series...

  • Star series consisting of...
    Alcor, Algol, Arcturus, Asterope, Castor, Corona, Cygnus, Decrux, Deneb, Dorado, Draco, Matar, Merope, Metalla, Pollux, Procyon, Propus, Sceptrum, Spica, Sterope
  • Jean-Michel Saive series consisting of...
    Aggressive, Fighter, Infinity, Inspire, Spirit, Touch
  • Attitude series consisting of...
    Base, Chop, Core, Grit, Rite


Stiga table tennis paddles

Stiga blades are currently avialable in nine different series...

  • Hardwood Series consisting of ...
    Ebenholz NCT V, Ebenholz NCT Vii, Rosewood NCT V, Rosewood NCT Vii
  • Crystal Carbo Series consisting of...
    CC5 NCT, CC7 NCT
  • Nct Wood Series consisting of...
    Allround Wood NCT, Hybrid Wood NCT, Offensive Wood NCT
  • Optimum Series consisting of...
    Optimum Carbo, Optimum Plus, Optimum Seven, Optimum Sync
  • Tube Series consisting of...
    Tube Allround, Tube Aluminium, Tube Carbo, Tube Defensive, Tube Light, Tube Offensive
  • Oversize Series consisting of...
    Allround Oversize, Carbo Oversize, Clipper Oversize, Offensive Oversize
  • Cr-Series consisting of...
    Allround Cr, Allround Evolution, Clipper Cr, Energy Wrb, Hypertech Cr 35/45, Offensive Cr
  • High Tech Series consisting of...
    Carbo 7.6 Wrb, Kevtech Wrb/Kevtech, Titanium 5.4 Wrb/Titanium 5.4
  • The Classics consisting of...
    Allround Classic Wrb/ Allround Classic, Clipper Wrb/Clipper, Offensive Classic Wrb/ Offensive Classic


I would recommend the Jean-Michel Saive series of paddles.

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Stiga innovation

Throughout the years that Stiga has been manufacturing table tennis blades they've accumulated an enormous amount of skill, expertise and knowledge.

Working with several world class players and coaches, Stiga have always identified players evolving needs and have been able to produce blades to meet these needs.

In the past few years, Stiga have introduced many new blade technologies - WRB, CR, Oversize, 13 layer Carbo, TUBE, Crystal, Nano Composite Technology etc.

The combination of the finest wood and their craftsmanship make Stiga's blades some of the best available.

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Stiga Table Tennis Paddles

Stiga table tennis paddles have been endorsed by some of the best players in the world.

China's men's team coach and former Olympic Champion, Liu Guoliang, leads the way, and here's what other players who endorse Stiga table tennis paddles use ...

  • Pär Gerell (Sweden) - Blade: Clipper Wood. Rubbers: Boost TC
  • Jean-Michel Saive (Belgium) - Blade: Clipper CR. Rubbers: Boost TX
  • Jens Lundqvist (Sweden) - Blade: Clipper Wood. Rubbers: Boost TC
  • Xu Xin (China) - Blade: Offensive NCT. Rubbers: Boost TX
  • Yannick Vostes (Belgium) - Blade: Clipper Wood. Rubbers: Boost TC
  • Feng Tianwei (Singapore) - Blade: Ebenholz NCT VII. Rubbers: Boost TC
  • Mie Skov (Denmark) - Blade: Clipper Wood. Rubbers: Boost TC
  • Guo Yue (China) - Blade: Ebenholz NCT V. Rubbers: Boost TX

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National Teams

The Swedish National Table Tennis team endorse Stiga equipment, having signed a 10 year agreement which ran from the 1st July 2003 until 31 December 2013.

This agreement was then extended for a further seven years and runs from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2020.

Stiga is also the sponsor of blades to the Chinese National Team.

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For more information, tips and recommendations about table tennis equipment, take a look at my other articles...

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