Top Table Tennis Club

Submitted by Kelvin Smith
(Belhar, Cape Town, South Africa)

Top Table Tennis Club is in Belhar, Cape Town, South Africa.

We are situated at 1 Proton Road, Belhar at the Belhar Sport Centre. Belhar is situated close to Cape Town in the Western Province.

1 Proton Street
Belhar Sport Centre


Directions from Cape Town International Airport:
Take Borcherds Quarry Road, turn right on Robert Sobukwe Road (old Modderdam Road).
Turn right unto Stellenbosch Arterial Road, take the 2nd robot left into Symphony Way, take the 2nd robotleft into Erica Drive. take the 1st road to the right and then right again into Proton. The Belhar Sport Centre is next to the Northlink Building College.

Visitors are welcome to play at our TT Club.

Annual Fee for Senior League Players are R830.00, Junior league R120.00 as well as Social members.

The Club is open from 15 January till the end of November each year.

Practice times are 19:00 till 22:00 on Monday & Wednesdays in the Main hall and Tuesdays & Thursdays in the Minor hall.

Saturday practice starts at 09:00 till 13:00 for juniors (and others who want to improve their level of play). Some senior members also practice from 12:00 till 15:00 on Saturdays.

Club League Day is on Saturday from 15:00 till 20:00.
Saturday practice and match play are in the Minor hall.

The club have 10 allocated tables Tibhar R28.

The playing conditions are excellent for table tennis. This is arguably the best table tennis venue in South Africa.

21 junior players play junior league with approximately 14 juniors just practising still. 32 Senior league players with a few Social members.

We currently have 1 team in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd leagues. We have 2 teams in both the 4th & 5th leagues. We are aiming to compete in the Premier league from 2016/2017. We will enter a development team in the 6th league in 2016. There are thus 7 leagues in the Western Province Table Tennis (WPTT) Leagues.

1st and foremost we stand for good family values and morals. We cater for the competitive as well as the social players. We transcend the boundaries and cater for Able Bodied, Physically Disabled, Hearing Impaired and Intellectually impaired players.

The club was established in 2011 and Affiliated to WPTT and SATTB (South African Table Tennis Board) in 2012. The founder members are Stanley and Stanford Nomdo (twin brothers) and Kelvin Smith.

We started with 3 senior league and 3 junior league teams. We currently have 7 senior league teams and 7 junior league teams. We have one National Player and hoping there will be an increase in this number in future. We have 3 National Champions in the PARA section, being Aphiwe Bontsi, Xolisa Desemele and Jessica Adams.

In 2015 we had 8 players representing WPTT in the National Championships. We also have a number of players that represented the Regional team and Top Schools teams already.

The club offers 4 tier coaching: 1:- Beginners, 2:- Intermediate, 3:- Competitive and 4:- Advanced.

We have 5 coaches, unfortunately only 2 are active at the moment.

We are hoping to establish an Exchange Program with foreign clubs in future.

For more information

Kelvin Smith +27835016424 or
Stanley Nomdo +27721335644


Web: No website yet.

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